Do not rent here
This apartment complex has no concern or care for its residents at all .They have partnered with a company that is participating in predatory booting of cars( Empire Parking Services ) . This company literally waits for temp tags to expire to boot cars seconds later . This company boots cars that belong to residents , knowinlgy belongs to residents . This company booted a car that had several temporary tags due to owners car being in the shop . Temp Tag expired , resident put a note on car that... new temp tag would be on in the am when office opened . Resident came out to a boot anyway . Your guest have timed parking , when you run out of time you have to pay . If you want to live in a building more concerned about the parking than the access to the buildings move here . Office staff lacks compasion , care or concern . Stating there is nothing they can do . So if you move here be prepared for the headache of the parking situation .
Review from Apartments.com