Apartments and tired and management is stretched thin
The management team means well, but they’re stretched so thin.
Three properties make them incredibly busy and therefore, Hunters Hill suffers. The buildings are in need of painting, porches are chipping and peeling. Sand constantly spills on the sidewalk because the landscaping is tired. Tenants were noisy and in the pool after hours when it was open, and then the managers would say to call the cops to solve it. The most frustrating part is they believed a solution to the pool being closed was... to give us access to Fountain Lake’s pool.
There was multiple times I put in maintenance requests and then had to inquire to get it fixed up to a week later. (Like a broken disposal with food now rotting in it)
Unfortunately, something that management can’t get under control is the dogs. This complex was advertised as no dogs and everyone and their mother seems to have a dog because ESAs. Not service animals, just emotional support which is not a protected category.
If this stuff doesn’t bother you, go for it with living here.
Review from Apartments.com
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